Friday 23 October 2015

Genre Mood Board Video

I created this video to try and show different aspects of pop genre. I wanted to show the artists, the fans, the logos and locations. The format was a video mood board. It was very visual, and allowed me to categorise the different aspects. I was able to use special effects to show where each category started. I used final Cut Pro to create this video, as it was the most appropriate software. I wanted to visually show the pop conventions.

For example, I was able to see the similarities between the appearance of pop artists. Many are very striking- coloured hair is a big future as well as harsh, bold make up. Their clothing of women artists was often minimum or provocative. This is helpful to me, as my model for my front cover will need to be dressed appropriately to fit the genre. The male artists generally had piercings and wore heavy jewellery and sunglasses or hats. The fans were often pictured taken selfies, which is something I could possibly show- for example a competition to get the best celebrity selfie. The locations, generally arenas or stadiums were very extravagant and busy, and used bright lights and colours. In terms of logos, they were either hand written (to give an authentic look) or used images (for example the rolling stones). I also now know more about the genre than I did before.
better under genre.

I am now more aware of iconography as I have seen it from a  more practical point of view. Making the video required me to think about logos and pop associations. I also had tot think about key people in the pop industry, as I had to research current artists. The popular artists are the ones which have the most news/gossip/rumours associated with them. This is appeals to the target audience and is something I should think about with my magazine- the more relevant the artist, the more appeal there is to the target audience. However, I may also want to think about key people who aren't necessarily as obvious- this enables me to compete with other magazines (if my content is the same as say Billboards, it makes it harder whereas if mine is more distinct and individual, it stands out).


  1. This is a good video that captures many "pop" ideas. It would have been nice to have a couple of other songs spliced in at times and to work a little on the timing of osme of the images that were either too fast or slow.

  2. This also needs an explanation of why you did this and what you have learned from doing it.
