Sunday 31 January 2016

Evaluation- Question 1

This question was the most time consuming. I formatted this question on Prezi, because it allowed me to separate each section, and easily move on to the next section. It also allows the viewer to zoom in and out, and is aesthetically pleasing. It's neat and orderly. To answer the question, I had to refer to 'real media products', meaning that I had to give visual examples. I copied and pasted magazine front covers, contents pages and double page spreads from the internet, which enabled me to make comparisons. I was able to visually show where my inspiration had come from, and how a specific convention has an effect on the audience. I was able to separate each part of the magazine and analyse how it has followed forms and conventions of similar magazines. It also showed me whether I had missed anything out, and what other magazines included/left out and vise versa. It allowed me to visually compare colour, text and photography with real media products. Lastly, I was able to look at house style, which is when a magazine uses a similar layout and structure.

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