Monday 22 February 2016

Evaluation- Question 5

For question 5 I used Piktochart because it is a clear, visual way of showing my ideas and evaluating my magazine. This question was hard, because I had to look at my magazine from an analytical perspective, similarly to the way I had looked at real products in my earlier research. In conclusion to this task, I have realised that some of the ways I attracted and addressed the audience were done subconsciously, which were harder for me to pick up while doing this question, because I hadn't noticed them during production. For example, the cover lines and features I had chosen were chosen to intentionally attract the audience, whereas the writing style and specific words were subconscious choices I made while writing the article. I think I did attract and address the audience effectively, through different ways such as photographs, writing style and mise-en-scene. I had a particular vision of what I wanted the audience to feel whilst reading my magazine, which I think was achieved with my end product.

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